Friday, November 30, 2012

It all makes Scents!

With Christmas around the corner I could not let this post slip by! If you have not heard of the brand Scentsy , man you are missing out! Scentsy is kind of like a candle but then its very much unlike one. Confusing right? It is actually a "warmer" that runs off of a light bulb. In the warmers you put little cubes of scented wax and it melts and fills the whole place with their wonderful fragrances! 

My mother and I  went to a friend's Scentsy party that they were holding around this time last year and we both fell in love with the products. After some spur of the moment thinking, I signed up to begin selling it. Best Worst mistake ever! Ok, not really. It really is the best thing, I just hate that I spend so much on it! I became addicted. I have a warmer literally in every room of our house. 

They come in 3 different sizes:

The first size is the Plug-in warmer. It is perfect for small areas like bathrooms. The ones marked with a (G) are particularly amazing for bathrooms because they double as an awesome nightlight! They run around $15.00 each. You usually put around 1 cube of wax in them which should last you a couple days.

The next size would be the mid-size warmer. These are a little smaller than the largest ones and are good for office spaces, small bedrooms, smaller kitchens etc. They come in a variety of  designs and are priced around $25.00 each. I usually put around 2 cubes in them and can get around 3 days out of that. 

And last but not least, my favorite, the full-size warmer! I absolutely adore the larger warmers. They will fill an entire room with your fragrance. This is my warmer of choice and what I have in my house currently. You can put anywhere from 2-3 cubes in (I prefer 3) and the scent can last around 5 days! They are SO beautiful too. This one shown is one of my favorites, it is called the Jane warmer. 

This one below is currently my all time favorite and we have it in our bedroom although Mr. P thinks it is creepy. 

Scentsy doesn't just offer warmers though. They also provide Scent Paks (little pouches with scented pearls in them which are awesome to go in your drawers), Scent Circles, Travel Tins (gel air freshener), Room Sprays, Fragrance Foam (hand sanitizer) and tons of our new Layers products!

Anyways, back to the point of this post....these products make fabulous presents. Christmas time is Scentsy's best time of year. I always get them as presents and people always adore them. They are the gift that keeps giving too! Once you get someone a warmer you can continue gifting them new bars each holiday! They offer many combinations to save with on various products. You can also buy kits in the combine and save section which will offer you warmers, and scents all together. Don't know what to get that one hard to buy for person? How bout some scentsy! Its a safe gift to give this year :) If you want to have a look at their various products you can see a catalog online at my sight. There are tons more things on there that I could not possibly fit in here! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

CD22: Waiting, Waiting, and More Waiting...

Yep, 2 posts in one day! For all those who do not know what CD means, it stands for Cycle Day and just refers to where I am at in my current cycle. Today is day 22. We went ahead this month and decided to do our first IUI (intrauterine insemination) after our last two failed cycles of clomidm + a trigger shot + timed intercourse. This month has me on edge that is for sure. I went in more my monitoring appointment last Monday and I guess I had not responded as well to the clomid as I had done previously. I only had one follicle on the verge of being mature and it was still only 15mm. So the doc told me to come back in two more days. Well going on Wednesday meant that if my follicle had grown enough that I would trigger that night. Doesn't really sound bad except we wanted to do back to back IUIs and that meant Thursday would be our first and that was Thanksgiving! I thought for sure we would have our IUI on black Friday and by then we would have missed our chance at nearly 48hrs past my trigger. I honestly did not expect them to be open   for the holiday but I guess when you are dealing with women's bodies you have to be open. Goodness knows a woman's body waits for no one! I stressed about  it until Wednesday rolled around and my follicle had grown to 19.5 and he tells me that I will come in on Thanksgiving and then Black Friday. I was so relieved! Our first IUI went perfectly. Mr. P's little guys were at 105 million and 96% motility the first day post wash and the following day he was at 115 million and 86% motility. Now we are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. My trigger shot is completely out of my system. I was able to turn a HPT positive (barely) for a few days after the shot. Not any more! I will be able to test on the 6th to see if we are some how lucky and had it happen on our first shot. Ha, yea right. 

This whole process has made me so pessimistic. I feel like I will never see those two lines. Here's to the 6th! May the days go by quickly :)

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello everyone! Who doesn't love them a little Forrest Gump, lets be honest? I just wanted to welcome everyone to my new blog and give you a general run down on what to expect and just a little background info on me and the hubs! 

I have always contemplated beginning my own blog, just never really followed through with it. I never really had anything that I thought people would want to take time out of their day to read about! Then I started really following blogs, and some of them are just about random things, and I love it! Those typically are the best kind :) So after some kicking in the butt by myself I decided to go ahead and do it! Just to warn you all, this blog will probably have a little bit of everything. 

I recently got married back in October and basically DIY'ed my entire wedding. Absolutely everyone told me I should have blogged about it during the process because everything was so fantastic! I was blown away  that people would *actually* be interested in my crafting! Works for me :) I love to have a reason to craft. I will probably write a post one day with a run down of our wedding and everything I made etc. Also I promise if I have any fun projects for you guys or any Pinterest experiments, they WILL be posted here!

Another, the main purpose I really wanted to start this blog was to share my and my husband's struggle with infertility. It may seem too quick to have problems to someone, but my husband and I have actually been trying for 2 years in February 2013. Here is a little back story so it doesn't send you into a world of confusion:

My husband and I have been friends for nearly 6 years, not until 2 years ago did we decide that maybe we should explore it more than "just friends". Things moved quickly, and I do not regret it at all! We knew everything about each other, our strengths, weaknesses, faults, and everything good about one another. We knew from day one that we would get married and start a family. He is in his 30's and desperately wants a baby of his own and I knew myself that I wanted a child with him. After we decided we were ready to get married and make a baby, we went for it. Due to some very important elderly family members that I want so desperately to be part of our child's life, we decided to start trying before we got married. They are in very poor health and you never know when their last day may be. If people judged, oh well. We had our reasons.  So we started trying, and 9 months had passed. We *officially* became engaged (he wanted to wait a bit because he didn't want people to think we were cray cray for moving so quickly). The wedding came and went, and here we are 19 months later, still no baby in sight.

*Phew* There it is, out for the public to see! I have only really told select people about our struggles and our decisions to try before our marriage. I have gotten to the point where I just don't care if I am judged. Either way I want to get out there our struggles. It is empowering to me when I see other women going through what we are and are staying strong. So many people do not realize just how prominent infertility is and how hard of a struggle it is. So you will see posts often regarding our journey!

That seems to be it for now, thank you if you held in for this huge first post! I hope you return and become a follower and get enjoyment from my blog as I get from so many others. 

Bye for now!