Saturday, April 13, 2013

18 weeks...Baby is the size of a Sweet Potato!

How far along? 18 Weeks

Feeling: Great actually, outside of the aches and pains daily I am feeling pretty good. My uterus stretching is a pain though.

Maternity clothes? Only a pair of maternity jeans, otherwise I just wear leggings, or flowy empire waist tops. I haven't really made the leap to buy more maternity clothes but I do need them.

Sleep: I can stay up a lot later now! I bought a snoogle and its the best sleep of my life. So recommend for pregnant ladies out there :)

Food cravings: Honestly nothing really... I have hit a break lol.

Movement? I have felt baby flutter around in there here and there :)

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: This post is long overdue...but two weeks ago we found out we are having a baby GIRL! We are so thrilled...we both wanted a girl so bad.

What I'm looking forward to: We get to see the baby  in two weeks again for my A/S!

Next Appointment: April 16 for my 3 hour glucose test... I failed the one hour :(

Milestones: Baby should be hearing now!

Here is our baby girl...Sadie Mae P.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

10 Weeks (2 days, Oops a little late)... Baby is now the size of a Prune!

How far along? 10 weeks 2 days

Feeling: Pretty good other than the constipation...I have to try something soon because this is nuts! Hubby finds it funny but I beg to differ. Still pretty tired but I can stay up past 10 now haha.

Maternity clothes? Just my shirt I take weekly bump pics in.

Sleep: Still pretty sleepy.

Food cravings: Hard boiled eggs with mustard and mayo

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: I finally heard the heart beat on the doppler! Even if it was for a few seconds it was amazing.

What I'm looking forward to: We get to see the baby  on Tuesday :)

Next Appointment: February 19th

Milestones: Baby should be moving now!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby's Heart Beat 9 weeks 5 days

I have been trying for the last couple weeks to hear a heart is so frustrating to not ever find anything! After some v.e.r.y. long sessions, and numerous proddings...and pokings...and bruised areas...I finally got to hear it a few seconds...and even record it :)

I am so blessed to get to hear it...with hardly any symptoms I love hearing that baby is still alive and doing well. Daddy and I can't wait to see you on Tuesday again sweet pea. We already love you soooo much!

Last but not least....our baby's heart beat :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

9 Weeks, Baby is now the size of a green olive!

How far along? 9 weeks

Feeling: Pretty good actually. No real nausea anymore unless I don't eat. Pretty tired still.

Maternity clothes? Just my shirt I take weekly bump pics in.

Sleep: Still can't get enough!

Food cravings: I have been LOVING orange juice!

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: We got to see the gummy bear on Tuesday! It was awesome.

What I'm looking forward to: Being able to hear baby on my sonoline B. I have been trying so hard but nothing. My pelvic area is a little sore today because I tried so long and hard yesterday. Maybe next week :(

Next Appointment: February 19th , I will be 10 weeks 3 days

Milestones: Baby should have little arms and legs.

Bump Picture (A.K.A. The pudge):

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

8 Weeks 3 days...Take a look at our gummy bear!

Well I had my 8 week ultrasound today. I should be at 8 weeks 3 days, only based off of my last appointment. Baby measured at 8 weeks 2 days, which is what they would be based off LMP. Everything went well for the most part. Hubby couldn't make it so my mom went as a stand in. She got to see and hear the baby for the first time! It was awesome having her there. Unfortunately I was dehydrated apparently, and little one's heart beat was at 182. Needless to say I have been chugging water ever since. The nurse also said my blood pressure was high...BOO. I am hoping it is a fluke due to being dehydrated but they want to send me to a high risk doctor for a consult.

Other than that everything seems to be going just fine! They actually managed to get a really good shot of our little gummy bear. (That is what it looks like!)

Next appointment in 2 weeks :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

8 weeks 1 is now the size of raspberry!

How far along? 8 weeks 1 day

Feeling: Decent actually...its kind of scaring me. No nausea until I don't eat, but my boobs have been off an on too. The past two nights though they have been in so much pain! Otherwise not many symptoms.

Maternity clothes? Just my shirt I take weekly bump pics in.

Sleep: Still so sleepy.

Food cravings: None really.

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: Seeing our little bean on Tuesday and hearing its little heart beat :)

What I'm looking forward to: We get to see the baby again on Tuesday :)

Next Appointment: February 5th , I will be 8 weeks 3 days

Milestones: Baby should be moving now!

Friday, February 1, 2013

7 Weeks 6 Days

We have almost hit the 8 week mark, and I couldn't be more terrified. I have realized that I am one of the paranoid pregnant women. I feel like everything is going wrong! I have had nausea this last week almost constantly through the day, and as of 3 days ago? Nothing. I have been virtually p-e-r-f-e-c-t in that department. I woke up this morning and my boobs barely hurt unless I poke them and they are not as full and heavy. This freaks me out. I wish they still hurt and I was still sick to my stomach so that I knew everything was OK in there! I know pregnancy symptoms come and go but I still feel like I should feel SOMETHING. Plus I Google everything which does not help matters. I haven't had cramping or any spotting, but am terrified that come Tuesday when we have our 2nd ultrasound the doctor will tell me that the baby stopped growing and has no heartbeat. I pray every night that this little bean is OK. I cannot imagine starting this process all over again.Until next time, from a very paranoid pregnant woman ;)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

7 Weeks 1 Day... Baby is a blueberry!

How far along? 7 weeks 1 day (I will have to move these up to Saturday's since baby measured a day ahead)

Feeling: Nausea has is becoming pretty constant but some points in the day it lets up. Not enough to make me vomit but enough to make me very uncomfortable. My boobs are insane, and hurt so bad at night. Still insanely tired. I have managed to stay up to midnight though once this weekend!

Maternity clothes? Just my shirt I take weekly bump pics in.

Sleep: Can't get enough!

Food cravings: None yet, but I tried Oikos (spell?) yogurt today, and baby loved it! No nausea at all with it :) I am going to have to pick some more up.

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: Seeing our little bean on Tuesday and hearing its little heart beat :)

What I'm looking forward to: Anatomy scan! Someone in my birth month board found a study that says early ultrasounds where the placenta is on the left of the uterus are 97% likely to be girls, and the right side are boys. We would be having a girl then! I want a little girl so bad.

Next Appointment: February 5th , I will be 8 weeks 3 days

Milestones: Baby's heart started beating.

Bump Picture (A.K.A. The pudge):

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

6 weeks 3 days: There is for sure a baby in there!

We had our ultrasound this morning. Baby is measuring a day ahead! That puts our EDD at September 14th now. Hubby said it looked like a kidney bean lol. She told us not to worry if we didn't find a heart beat that it is still early. Not only did we find one, we heard it! She was shocked at the strength of it this soon. It was a nice strong 125 BPM. We half expected to find two babies because we had two nice size follicles but apparently only 1 took. We are OK with that :)

This little bean is such a miracle to us. Hearing the heart beat was such a beautiful thing! I cannot believe there is a baby in there!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

6 Weeks, Our baby is the size of a sweet pea.

How far along? 6 weeks

Feeling: Still feeling pretty decent. Extremely tired, I am in bed at 9:30 on some nights! My boobs are really starting to hurt bad at night, I told my husband "I dare you to touch them, you will lose a hand". Ouch. I get a little random bout of  nausea here and there if I don't eat soon enough. Oh and lets talk about poops. Constipation one day? Check...Dia the next? Check... oh the glorious moments of pregnancy.

Maternity clothes? Still none.

Sleep: Can't get enough!

Food cravings: This week I want pasta soooo bad. I got in my head that I wanted alfredo and I cannot get it out of my mind! Guess what we are having for dinner tomorrow night? ;) Hubby just doesn't know it yet.

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: Seeing my mom get so excited about it, at first she was subdued but now seeing her actually get excited makes me happy.

What I'm looking forward to: Tuesday!!! We get to see our little sweet pea (maybe sweet peas?) We diiiiidddd have two nice follicles.

Next Appointment: January 22nd.

Milestones: Baby went from an appleseed to a sweet pea!

Bump Picture (A.K.A. The pudge):

Friday, January 18, 2013

5 weeks 5 days

I am right on the edge of being 6 weeks. I am so anxious, and worried that there really isn't a little life growing in there. Some days I will wake up and obviously feel symptoms and then there are days like to day where I don't feel pregnant at all. Confession? It terrifies me.

It terrifies me enough that on lunch break I am driving to Wal-Mart and buying another FRER. It is the only thing that gives me peace of mind right now. Obviously if everything is OK I will regret hoping for morning sickness later. But right now? I would die to have it, so at least I know everything is going OK. I am probably being irrational because I know it is still very early...but I cannot help but be nervous. It took us SO long to get this baby and I am not even certain if my body will allow me to keep it!

Our ultrasound is on Tuesday, so until then things are going to drive me nuts!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 weeks, our baby is the size of an apple seed!

Well today I am 5 weeks. According to the bump our baby is the size of an apple seed. I will take that over a poppy seed :) I am so paranoid, I caved today and bought another FRER. I don't know why...because the line came up dark as can be instantly. My husband keeps telling me to relax, but its hard when I barely have any symptoms. I know they will be coming up soon, but some now to make me feel pregnant would be nice. I find myself poking my boobs all the time to see if they hurt lol.

I figured I would join the club and do a weekly update on Sundays.

How far along? 5 weeks

Feeling: Pretty good for the most part, I am a little moody here and there and sometimes have random bouts of crying. Oh well lol.

Maternity clothes? None yet, but I bought a maternity tank for my bump shots and it is G-l-o-r-i-o-u-s ... why can't they make normal clothes like this?

Sleep: I am sooo sleepy these days. I find myself passed out by 10 at the latest. My husband loves it, and said he gets to go to bed early for the next 9 months.

Food cravings: I get a sweet tooth at night which is uncommon for me. I also am loving french fries lately (a bad craving to have) outside of that nothing much has changed.

Movement? Nope nothing, way too early.

What I miss? Nothing! I would not trade this for anything.

Best moment this week: Probably receiving my second beta and realizing that I am in fact pregnant and it is going on the right track :)

What I'm looking forward to: Our first ultrasound on the 22nd. I cannot wait!

Next Appointment: January 22nd.

Milestones: Baby graduated from a poppyseed to an appleseed!

Bump Picture (pudge right now lol):
Ignore the socks...haha.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

4 weeks 4 days

Well I am 4 weeks and 4 days today. I had one more FRER to use up so it has been a couple days since my last. I used it this morning and finally I can relax! My test line is darker than the control line :)

I promise I won't pee on any more things...(I think).

I don't have many symptoms yet, still crazy tired at night and now my boobs are starting to hurt. Not to mention their change *ahem* in appearance. It is something to adapt to that is for sure. 

Nothing too interesting until our first ultrasound on the 22nd.

Monday, January 7, 2013

4 weeks 1 Day, Beta #2 is in!

I went in bright and early this morning for my second beta. I tell you what, work has been creeeeeping by lately because I am so anxious for good results. Our numbers were at 45 on Friday. Today we got them back and they were 150! They more than doubled which is good. I still wish they were higher but I will take it! I am praying and praying everything is going to go swimmingly. We prayed so hard for this baby and I do not want anything to happen to lose it. I have my first ultrasound on the 22nd, bright and early at 8:30. I cannot wait to see our little sweet pea!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

4 weeks, growing our little poppy seed.

Well today I am 4 weeks! This was originally when I was supposed to test. Oops. My tests have continued getting darker and I am so glad for that. We have worked so hard to get this little bean and I don't want to give it up! I have my second beta tomorrow and am anxiously awaiting the news. I hope it has doubled, or tripled! No real symptoms yet. Instead of getting cursed with constipation though I was dealt the other :x

I have been extremely tired at night. I can't make it past 10:00. Last night I went to bed at 11:00 and that was pushing it! Hubby loves this symptom though, it means he gets to go to bed early ;)

We have told our families...I know they say not to yet but we could not help it. Most of our family knew of our troubles so it was hard to keep it from them. Besides if anything were to happen I want their love and support.

Here are today's tests...I think I have matched the control line, or just about!

Here is my 4 week tummy shot for my progression pictures! (The pooch I have cannot be blamed on the baby, oh well)

Friday, January 4, 2013

CD27: 13dpiui...Beta# 1 Day!

I just got back from my appointment this morning at 7:45 (boo hiss hiss) haha, I am so not an early morning person. They took my blood, gave me prescription prenatal vitamins and some informative papers. I asked if they would check progesterone but apparently they don't? She said it is only necessary to test if you have a thin lining and mine is nice and thick. Has anyone heard this? The awesome news is that I will stay with them until about 12 weeks, and I will have an u/s every two weeks! I am anxiously awaiting my Beta news around 1pm. Then we will see baby (or babies) in 2 weeks!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I turned a digi positive!!!!

I am in shock right now. This morning's FRER was barely there...and this evening I took another and it was much darker. I then tested with a digi...PREGNANT!!!!!

I am over the moon has been nearly 2 years. Still in disbelief and I cannot wait until my beta on Friday to confirm.

CD25 12dpt and still two lines!

Ok well as you all know, yesterday I had two lines reappear on my cheapie test. there were still two lines on two tests and they were obviously darker than yesterday's! We have our injectibles class today so I am going to ask for a blood test while I am there. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that this is it! I am cautiously excited that is for sure.

Here are today's tests (Ignore the dog hair on there, I know it looks suspiciously like something less pleasant):

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CD24- 10dpiui, Mind Trick??

Well it has been a minute since I have posted on here. We are in IUI cycle #2 at the current moment. We had two back to back IUIs on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd. Hubby's count was fantastic! On Saturday it was 226 million and 96% motile! That is insane! The following day it was only 80million but the RE said those were fantastic numbers. I responded well to the clomid this month. They upped me to 150 mg and I had 2 20mm follies and a possible third if it grew in time. I have been testing out my trigger and as far as I could tell it was out of my system yesterday at 10dpt. I took another test this morning and there was definitely something there! I cannot be cerain it is real, or if it is still the trigger but my goodness it has me anxious. I know for sure there is something there. I go to the RE's office tomorrow for injectibles training in case this cycle is a bust. If I test in the morning and there is another positive I may make mention of it while I am there. Maybe they can do a blood test! Here is to hoping that this new year brings us a little miracle!