Friday, January 18, 2013

5 weeks 5 days

I am right on the edge of being 6 weeks. I am so anxious, and worried that there really isn't a little life growing in there. Some days I will wake up and obviously feel symptoms and then there are days like to day where I don't feel pregnant at all. Confession? It terrifies me.

It terrifies me enough that on lunch break I am driving to Wal-Mart and buying another FRER. It is the only thing that gives me peace of mind right now. Obviously if everything is OK I will regret hoping for morning sickness later. But right now? I would die to have it, so at least I know everything is going OK. I am probably being irrational because I know it is still very early...but I cannot help but be nervous. It took us SO long to get this baby and I am not even certain if my body will allow me to keep it!

Our ultrasound is on Tuesday, so until then things are going to drive me nuts!


  1. Congrats!!! I felt the same way..... now I'm 9 weeks and have horrible M/S more symptoms will come! Don't let IF ruin it for you enjoy every min!

  2. I enjoy reading your blog and nominated you for a Liebster award :)

    1. I am glad you enjoy reading! I wasn't sure anyone out there was actually interested hahaha. Oh cool what is a Liebster award? I am new in terms of blogging community terms lol ;)
