Tuesday, January 1, 2013

CD24- 10dpiui, Mind Trick??

Well it has been a minute since I have posted on here. We are in IUI cycle #2 at the current moment. We had two back to back IUIs on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd. Hubby's count was fantastic! On Saturday it was 226 million and 96% motile! That is insane! The following day it was only 80million but the RE said those were fantastic numbers. I responded well to the clomid this month. They upped me to 150 mg and I had 2 20mm follies and a possible third if it grew in time. I have been testing out my trigger and as far as I could tell it was out of my system yesterday at 10dpt. I took another test this morning and there was definitely something there! I cannot be cerain it is real, or if it is still the trigger but my goodness it has me anxious. I know for sure there is something there. I go to the RE's office tomorrow for injectibles training in case this cycle is a bust. If I test in the morning and there is another positive I may make mention of it while I am there. Maybe they can do a blood test! Here is to hoping that this new year brings us a little miracle!


  1. Go get a digi and test with that if it comes back positive you are KU! Ok now go do it now!!!!! It's killing me to know! GL! FX

  2. I am going to test with another cheapie in the morning and if it is amy darker that is first on my to do list! And to see if I can convince my doctor to do a blood test without thinking I am nuts for testing before they told me to haha :)
